Toys Every Family Should Have

Toys Every Family Should Have

Did you know that there are toys every family should have?

Bubbles with text overlay – Toys every family should have.
Balloons with text overlay – Toys every family needs.
Crayons with text overlay – 5 items every family should have.

Lol, well, not necessarily but there are certainly items that every family should have available.

Most of these you may already have (that’s kinda the point :)) or can find alternatives.

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For example: one suggestion is paper.


No, I know.

No one would probably classify paper as a toy but let me tell you just a few ways you will be happy to have some!

But first, it does not need to be copy/printer paper.

It could easily be old homework, paintings, drawings, etc.

Or even newspaper paper, magazine pages, etc.

Now, if it is something blank it can easily be used for those painting and/or drawings.

This, in and of itself, makes it a great resource to have readily available.

If you’re not using it for that then two of our current favorites to make with paper are paper planes and snowballs.

Check out my post on boredom busting activities to learn more about those snowballs 🙂

And if it’s near the Christmas holidays it can always be make into snowflakes!


So you can’t ‘paint’ or draw without some sort of writing utensil, right?

You can’t go wrong with crayons.

Your child(ren) will be able to create anything they can imagine!

Not only that, but the first few years of of schooling will include lots of coloring so why not get them started early.

Deck of Cards

A deck of cards is so versatile, right?

I started teaching my son how to play war when he was maybe around 3.

I know, sounds weird right but I figured it’s a pretty easy game to understand.

We didn’t make it it stressful or ‘fast’, we just practiced which one is higher/lower.

Now that my son is 6 and he’s learning addition and subtraction, we will start using the cards to play quick math games.

But of course you can start with using them to practice saying your numbers.

Mix them up to make sure they are really learning them 🙂

Do them backwards so they also learn them that way.


This one is such a must toy every family should have!

I mean the possibilities with balloons are endless.

But our favorites are keep away and different versions of ‘tennis’.

We have badminton rackets so sometimes we use those.

Sometimes we use spatulas from the kitchen.

Or we go old-school and just use our hands or feet.


Bubbles are so awesome!

Not only can you make your own (basically water, soap and maybe some oil), but you can always find some in your local grocery store or even the dollar stores!

And you don’t need anything expensive or crazy.

One of those small bottles is just perfect.

Side note: help your little one when the bottle starts running lower, or even in the beginning. Or else you’ll have bubble juice (solution) all over the ground rather than in the wand.

Chase the bubbles, see how many you can make, how big of one can you make, stay away from the bubbles.

You get the idea.

Let their imagination run wild and have fun with them!

Do you already have all these ‘toys’? Which one do you think your child will love playing with the most? Please share it with us in the comments below. Thanks!