8 Amazing Tips To Help Lose Body Fat

8 Amazing Tips To Help Lose Body Fat

Are you looking for some tips to lose body fat?

Hand weights with text overlay –  8 amazing tips to help lose body fat.
Strips of cooked meat with text overlay –  Tips to lose body fat. 8 that you’ll want to learn.
A scale and measuring tape with text overlay –  Lose that body fat. 8 tips that’ll help you succeed.
A woman holding her jeans away from her waist with text overlay –  How to lose body fat. 8 amazing tips.

Now, some of these will be different than what you’ve ever heard before.

But they are simple ways to help you loss that fat.

To help keep you focused.

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Tips to Lose Body Fat

Lift Weights

Yes, one of the best ways to help lose that body fat is to lift weights.

And, no, you don’t have to become a weight lifter to get those effects.

But there are two parts of weight lifting that you need to be aware of:


Consistency, like with most things in life, will be key.

If you start but quit after a few days or weeks then you won’t get the benefits of your hard work.

With that being said, working out as little as three times a week for only about 30-45 minutes will be enough to start losing that body fat.


Cycle Through Weightlifting Phases

Did you even know that there are different phases of weightlifting?

I didn’t, and I’ve lifted off and on since college.

There are three that are important to cycle through.

Strength, Hypertrophy and Endurance.

The difference?

Strength = lift heavy between 3-5 reps.

Hypertrophy = lift moderate between 8-12 reps.

Endurance = lift light between 15-20 reps.

If you do each phase for about a month and then switch to the next you’ll have success.

Related Post: How to drink more water

Eat Protein

Since you’re lifting weights, you will need to increase your protein intake.

And not just increase the amount of protein you’re eating but increase the actual grams of protein you’re eating.

For example, four ounces of steak has about 25 grams of protein.

While one hot dog only has about 5 grams of protein.

Side note: did you know that your hot dog bun might have the same about of protein?

Eating protein while weightlifting is so key!

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How Much Protein

Pretty simple.

How much do you weight in pounds?

That’s how much you should be eating.

Now, for a lot of us, since we are trying to lose weight, means eating 175 – 200+ grams of protein.

Since that seems like a lot, and is a lot, try getting in at the weight you’d like to be.

For example, if your goal weight is 130 pounds then shoot for 130 grams of protein per day.

(I’ll be sharing in the next few weeks a great post on easy ways to get your protein in each day!)

Be in a deficit

This one everyone knows but I wanted to mention one specific fact that will help you in your process.

We all know that, or should know, that if you are eating more calories than you use in a day you will gain weight.

In the same manner, if you eat less calories than you use, you’ll use.

But do you know how to figure out what that is?

I never even worried about it.

I just simply ate a lot less, hoping that it’ll work.

There is a better way!


Track your calories and your weight for about two weeks.

If you’ve maintained your weight, then the average calorie intake for the two weeks is your maintenance calories.

If you’ve lost or gained you’d adjust accordingly.

Once you know your maintenance calories you can then go into a deficit without having to be in a severe deficit.

Get Sleep

I know this one can be hard but getting a good night’s sleep is crucial.

All the tips you’ve heard are good ones, especially if you’re like me and sometimes have a hard time getting to sleep some nights.

For me personally, drinking some chamomile tea about half an hour or so before bed does wonders.

Even though I have to get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I never have a problem going back to sleep!

Lower Stress

This goes along with getting your sleep in.

Find ways to lower any stress you have.

I’ve been feeling stressed lately and I can tell it’s effecting my body.

Here are just a few suggestions to help lower your stress:

  • Sleep
  • Take a nap
  • Eat healthier
  • Take deep breaths
  • Pause
  • Enjoy a hobby
  • Read
  • Take a shower/bath
  • Meditate
  • Go outside
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Be Patient

Weight loss/ fat loss takes time.

It took months and/or years for you to put the fat on, it’ll take time to get it off.

Especially if you want it to stay off!

Measure Yourself

Because it’s going to take time you’ll want to measure yourself during your journey.

Fat takes up more space than muscle.

You may not see much movement on the scale but, if you’re following these tips, you will see your inches go down!

So whether you use a measuring tape or that pair of jeans/skirt/dress you want to get back into, make sure you have a means to track your measurements.

Take Pictures of Yourself

So, along with measuring yourself, take pictures of yourself.

I know it’s not pleasant, but don’t think of it that way!

It’s another great way to help you measure your progress.

You’re on this journey because you love yourself, right?

Always remember that!

Do you feel like these tips are doable? Please share it with us in the comments bellow. Thanks!