This post, 10 Thanksgiving Traditions To Start With Your Family, was originally published in 2019 and has been completely updated, June 2020.
What Thanksgiving traditions do you have with your family?
I’d never thought of what we did as being traditions but of course as I get older I realize that’s exactly what they are.
Traditions are nice for everyone.
It not only does it give you peace of mind in knowing how the day’s going to go but it also gives the younger generation great memories to make each year.
Below are just a few family traditions of ours that you could add to yours!
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Thanksgiving Traditions #1
Eating together as a family.
As we all know, eating together as a family is so important and we might not always get the time to do it throughout the year.
And certainly not with your ‘whole’ family.
I mean, how many of you actually get together with extended family outside of Thanksgiving?
If you do, then I think you are very blessed!
Our family is fairly spread out and so we try to make it a point to get together on special occasions.
And if that’s still not possible, at least our immediate family does it’s best to spend the day together.
Thanksgiving Traditions #2
Watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade.
I was lucky enough, one year when I lived in New York City, to see the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade live and in person.
It was so much fun 🙂
It was cold and we had to stand for hours, but to see it in person was awesome.
Now, unfortunately , we were not able to stand anywhere near Macy’s which meant we didn’t get to see or hear the performances but it was still totally worth it!
So, watching it on t.v. is definitely a close second.

Thanksgiving Traditions #3
Eating pie.
You have to have dessert on Thanksgiving, right?
My first and really only option is pumpkin pie 🙂
I never have pumpkin pie outside of Thanksgiving, do you?
I look forward to it and crave it as Thanksgiving gets closer!
Over the last few years, of trying my hardest to get back into shape, I’ve started to do mini pies.
Now, don’t think that it’s harder.
You simply make the filling and crust as you would.
But, instead of putting the crust into a 9″ pie pan, use a wide mug upside down and cut out circles.
These will be put in your muffin tins. Then fill as normal.
You will probably need extra crust to use up all of the filling.
They make perfect, single serving sizes of whichever pie you love 🙂
Thanksgiving Traditions #4
Turkey and all the fixings 🙂
Our standards are turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, casserole of some sort (broccoli, corn, green bean), mashed potatoes, rolls/croissants and of course pies.
Now, I will admit, we’ve had a bit of a change over the last several years.
Because we’ve not had a chance to get together as a larger family we started just getting Cornish hens (make sure to check back next month when I’ll share our Cornish hen recipe!
They happen to be just the perfect size for us, and believe it or not still give us left overs 🙂
Treat yourself on Thanksgiving, you deserve it!

Thanksgiving Traditions #5
Watch football.
I love football, specifically pro and so this is one of my favorite thanksgiving traditions.
One I’m hoping to pass on to my son too 🙂
Why not, when you’ve finished that delicious, heavy meal, sit down in front of the tv and settle in for some good football! Or…
Thanksgiving Traditions #6
Take a nap.
I remember growing up this was non-negotiable lol 🙂
I know it’s not the healthiest thing to do but boy is it fitting.
Thanksgiving Traditions #7
Start a healthier Thanksgiving tradition and go outside and take a walk or play a game of ‘football’.
A bit of exercise after a heavy meal will definitely help you feel better.
Oh, and you might just be able to have another plate of food or extra serving of pie 🙂
Thanksgiving Traditions #8
Take a hostess gift.
I don’t remember the last time we went to someone elses’ house for dinner but if you are going, think about taking a hostess gift.
Have you ever heard of a giving plate?
Last holiday season we received one and let me tell you how blessed I felt!
It’s a serving plate with a beautiful saying on it.
It may be a simple saying like Pass this along to someone else.
Or something more in depth about family, friends and love.
As you can tell, there are so many options to chose from.
Ones that would be good for a work dinner, neighbor dinner, family or ones that are generic.
I even found one by Precious Moments that would donate a percentage of each sale to Feed the Children.
Such a great way to show Thanks!
Thanksgiving Traditions #9
Play games.
What better time to have some friendly family competition 🙂
Depending on the age groups in your family will of course determine the games.
I already mentioned football and that can really be played by anyone who can walk, so 1-ish to 100+ 🙂
My four year old loves Zingo (he did at three too :))
How about checkers, cards, or some fun family bonding games.
Related Post: Family Reunion Games

Thanksgiving Traditions #10
So, I mention this last, but never least!
Let’s not forget the most important Thanksgiving tradition.
Expressing what you’re thankful for.
I have a little confession to make.
We’ve not been so good at it over the last few years, at least out loud but believe you me, we’ll be making sure we do it from here on out!!!