How To Cope When You’re Struggling With Life

How To Cope When You’re Struggling With Life

Are you struggling with life right now?

Wildflowers with text overlay – How To Cope When You're Struggling With Life.
Wildflowers with text overlay – How To Cope When You're Struggling With Life. 8 Helpful tips.

Is there something, or lots of somethings that are just weighing you down?

I know the feeling!

One day or moment you feel great, then the next you feel like the world just crumbled underneath of you.

Unfortunately, it’s a part of life.

Something that happens to all of us, even if you don’t ever see it happen to anyone else!

That’s why I wanted to share with you these eight (8) tips to help you out!

These aren’t in any order but they are here to give you options.

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Struggling With Life?

Hopefully one of these options will help you!

Support System

Do you have a support system?

Family, friends, co-workers, church?

If you do, lean on them.

Check-in with them, ask for a helping hand or simply a listening ear.

If you don’t feel like you have anyone you can do this with you still have options.

You might be surprised to find a friend or family member who will be there for you!

But, here’s the kicker, you still have to ask them.

It doesn’t have to be outright but get in touch with a few and see if you can start building a relationship with them.

They may need it just as badly as you do and knowing you have someone to talk to might be all you need!

Of course, there’s always online too.

There are plenty of Facebook groups that are general support groups.

Just be wary, the online world can be pretty harsh by others who are struggling with life too and take it out on others.


Maybe you need to think about some solutions to your struggles.

I tend to be an overthinker so that’s one of my solutions is to stop overthinking things!

No joke!!

This just recently happened and I tell you, the less I think about it the happier I am.

Now, you can’t do that with everything, right?

But we do tend to create more stress/drama with our own thoughts than we need to.

So if a struggle in your life is money, a solution is to make money.

I know, not as easy as it sounds (believe me!)

Related Post: Hope

What are the options?

There are several out there and sometimes it takes some researching.

Do you need/want a part-time job or a full-time job?

Are you needing something that’s extremely flexible or can you do a ‘9-5’ type job?

With the holidays around the corner, there will be lots of opportunities to get in with a job then, which might then give you the chance to stay on afterward.

If you have internet access there are lots of little jobs online to help you start making money.

Or, if you have access to a car or public transportation something like Uber, Grubhub, being a dog walker, house sitter, etc. could be a good option for you.

What if you’re struggling with a relationship?

Then some decisions need to be made, right?

Is it a healthy relationship?

Do you love each other?

Are there more arguments than agreements?

Is it worth staying in the relationship?

Once you sit down with yourself and walk through these questions or the ones that fit your situation, then finding a solution might be easy.

Check Yourself

O.k., I mean this in the most loving, gentlest way possible.

Is it you making your life hard or is it really hard? 

Just like the overthinking and stress I mentioned above, we have a tendency to make things harder than they need to be.

Here’s one of my favorite quotes:

Fall scene with text overlay -The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. -Captain Jack Sparrow.

So make sure you check-in with yourself and your attitude when a problem or struggle comes up and try your best not to add to it.

Still Struggling With Life?


Try to get up and move every day.

This has nothing to do with exercise or losing weight.

But everything to do with getting your body more active and the blood flowing.

That, in turn, gets nutrients and oxygen moving through your body and that will help you feel better!

Even if it’s just a trip around the house, around the block or down to the mailbox. 

Every little bit helps!

Go Outside

Go outside and get some fresh air.

Nature does wonders for you even if you’re not a nature person! 

And if you don’t live near nature, go get some live plants to place around your home.

Simply having them in your home will not only bring some nature to you but will also help with the air in the home.

They will increase the oxygen in the air and help purify it.

There are lots of options that don’t require much attention just in case you’re not a plant person 🙂

Eat Healthier

Try to eat healthier.

I know, I dislike it when people tell me this.

Who wants to eat healthy when they feel like everything sucks and you’re struggling with life?

But trying to limit all the sugar, caffeine, etc will help you feel less yucky. 

Remember, sugar and caffeine might give you a temporary high but will drop you quickly too.

Getting off that rollercoaster might just be what you need to start felling like life sucks less!

P.S. Just remember, getting off the rollercoaster will probably cause some withdrawal symptoms.

So stay strong and eventually the symptoms will fade and I promise you’ll feel much better!

Give Yourself Grace

I feel like this is such a big phrase now, give yourself grace.

But it really is such a great thing to remember.

We all go through life differently.

Allow yourself your pity party then get up and get going. 

Even ‘perfect’ people have bad days!

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Go to a Doctor/Psychologist/Psychiatrist

Check-in with your doctor.

Is it some physical thing that’s affecting you? 

If you know it’s not something physical then find a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Just like going to a doctor or dentist, going to see a psychologist or psychiatrist should not be something to shy away from.

If it is something they can help with wouldn’t you rather feel better than not?

Don’t Keep Struggling With Life!

We all struggle with life from time to time!

It’s how we react to it that will determine how it affects us.

Find your support system, eat better, move around and/or go find a professional who will help you through this time.

It’s your life and you deserve to live it to the fullest!!!

What do you do when you’re struggling with life? Please share with us in the comments below so we can all learn. Thanks!