This post, 7 Positive Affirmations For The New Year, was originally published in December 2019 and has been completely updated in December2021.
Do you believe in positive affirmations?
I do.
Partially because I’ve seen them work in my own life.
But also because I think it’s a good place to start.
Did you know that they’ve found that 70% of our thoughts are negative?
That’s our own thoughts!
Now they may be influenced by others (what someone has done or said to you recently or in your distant past) but not directly said to you at the moment.
Next, think of how that may be affecting you subconsciously.
Being depressed, being sad, getting angry at people easily.
So why not try to turn that around a little with some positive affirmations throughout the day!
First, let’s start with the definition.
An AFFIRMATION defined by Oxford Dictionaries is emotional support or encouragement.
Second, just for the fun of it, let’s look at some science.
In a Psychology Today article, it talks about ways to help make positive affirmations work for you.
Because, as we may all know, they seem to work for some of us and not for others fo us.
Let’s think of it this way though.
Think back to when you were a child and someone told you something negative.
You still remember it, right?
And I’m sure you understand that it has affected you in some ways at least throughout your life.
So let’s do something different and maybe what feels too creative and try out these 7 positive affirmations for at least a week and see if it changes anything.
To make it even easier, how about using them as daily affirmations?
Throughout each day just repeat one affirmation aloud or to yourself.
If you prefer, how about using each one for a whole week.
You’ll have 7 weeks’ worth of affirmations to focus on.
P.S. One reason why these positive affirmations work is that they help shift your mindset.
They don’t always or necessarily change what’s going on in the outside world, rather your perception of it.
Let’s get started.
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Positive Affirmations
P.S. If you’d like one or all of the printables, just click on its’ title for your FREE copy!
I am worthy
Do you sometimes, or maybe even too many times, feel like you’re not worthy of or for something?
I’m raising my hand.
But it’s just not true!
We are all worthy.
YOU are worthy!
Repeat after me: I AM WORTHY.

Everything is working out
This one is a huge one for me.
And the one I’ve been using the most over the last few months.
Whenever I start feeling a little overwhelmed I say this positive affirmation to myself and it really helps settle my mind and put things into a better perspective.

Related: Affirmation Cards
I am strong
You know, there are just those days when you need this one.
When you’re going in for a job interview.
Needing to talk to your kids’ school.
Knowing you need to talk to your family, significant other and/or children about something important.
For that matter, when you are struggling with whatever it might be that’s weighing you down.
Repeat after me: I AM STRONG.

Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.
Zig Ziglar

I am wealthy
So, here is one that you need to remember helps with mindset!
Repeating this phrase will not automatically make you wealthy.
I know, I really wish it worked that way for all of us 🙂
Although, you never know….. 😉
Let it remind you that you have your health, a roof over your head, food in your tummy, and friends and family that love and care for you, etc.
And even if you don’t have all of those things, I bet you have at least one, or something else that makes you wealthy.
Focusing on this just might help allow the financial side of wealthy to come about too!
Repeat after me: I AM WEALTHY.

I am calm
I think we can all agree we should just take a minute or two, right now, and close our eyes and repeat this a few times.
Go ahead… I’ll wait 🙂
I hope that helped.
And remember, it can always be said whenever you need it.
Repeat after me: I AM CALM.

I believe in myself
We all have self-doubt from time to time.
That’s completely normal.
But we need to remember to believe in ourselves!
Even if it feels like your life is falling apart.
Or you don’t feel like you’re doing anything right.
You have to try and do your best to believe in yourself.
Because you know what, you can do anything!!
Repeat after me: I BELIEVE IN MYSELF.

I am healthy
Whether you are already healthy or working towards becoming healthier, this positive affirmation will do wonders.
Just think about it.
Using this phrase throughout the day will motivate you and encourage you to move more and eat better.
Repeat after me: I AM HEALTHY.

In Conclusion
I really hope you try at least one of these seven affirmations.
And just in case your curious, yes, you can certainly use these positive affirmations for kids too!
Why not give them a headstart in learning how to refocus and think positively?