Are you feeling mentally drained?
Are you feeling mentally drained? We all do from time to help. And if you need some helpful tips I’ve got 4 that’ll do the trick!

Let me tell you what!
Man, I was having a day a few days ago.
Talk about feeling mentally drained!!!
I was feeling stressed about so much.
I’ll be honest, a lot of it I shouldn’t have even been worried about but you know sometimes it’s hard to let it go, right?
My brain just felt so full.
It was hard to concentrate.
Hard to even just enjoy being with my son.
So let’s start.
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First let me state that this is for those of you who have this happen only every once in awhile.
For me, I’d say it happens maybe once a month, probably less.
I do notice that it has a tendency to happen around my period.
So that’s my first tip.
Be Aware
Be aware of when you’re feeling mentally drained.
If it’s like me, around your period, then you know that your hormones and emotions are playing a big part.
Is it something that occurs at work or school that triggers it?
Once you have a better idea of where it’s coming from you can move on from there.
Lessen the Triggers
Can you lessen the triggers now that you know what they are?
For myself, it’s a little hard, right?
I exercise, sleep fairly well, eat right, even use oils sometimes to help with my period symptoms.
But the symptoms plus other stressors, my son’s school work, that come up make it hard.
Granted, once summer comes it should be a lot better.
It’ll definitely be interesting to see.
How about you?
Is there anything you can do at all that might help lessen the triggers?
And if not, then how about these tips to help you when you’re mentally drained.
Step Away
Can you step away from the situation, at least for a little while?
Go outside and breathe some fresh air.
Turn on some music and just jam out for a bit.
Sometimes just getting away from something for a time can be so beneficial.
Now, let me be honest here.
The little bit of stepping away that I did was not enough.
I was able to go outside for probably 1 minute.
And was able to be by myself for maybe 15 minutes.
Unfortunately it only allowed be to think about things more, which of course does not help!!!
The one thing that finally did help?
I was able to have a great night’s sleep.
I can’t express to you how much better I felt the next morning.
It was as if I had never been mentally drained at all.
So from my personal experience, rest might just be the best tip!
Take a nap.
Or hang on until you can get to bed.
Don’t stay up late or have adult beverages.
Maybe watch your favorite show or movie for a little if you have a chance but then go to bed.
Give your body and especially your brain a good rest.
And there you have it.
Four tips that will help you when you’re feeling mentally drained.