There are life skills to teach your child that will be taught to them in school.
Then there are other life skills to teach your child that will be up to you.
Oh, the importance of life skills!!!
They are skills everyone needs, right?
Some we learn along the way, sometimes we have to learn them the hard way and there are other times when when we don’t get taught them at all for whatever reason.
Since I’ve had my son I’ve realized that there are certain skills that I learned when I was growing up that he may not be taught or learn, especially if I don’t teach him myself.
These are the ones I’m going to share with you today!
They may not seem like obvious ones and are certainly not the ones you’d read about the most like cooking, gardening, laundry etc.
There are many life skills for kids to learn but these are ones that I believe, even though they are old-school and some may be becoming obsolete are still important and relevant, if not simply as an activity to share with my little guy.
So, let’s get into it!
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Read a Map
Can you read a map?
I’m not talking about using a compass and a geographical map.
Although, to be honest, I would love to learn how to navigate with a compass and geographical map. I’d also love to learn how to navigate by the stars. But that’s a whole other thing 🙂
Here’s the thing.
You never know when you won’t have electricity, and I don’t want to be, nor do I want my son to be feel lost just because he doesn’t have his electronics.
So I’m talking about a simple paper road map, an atlas.
I know myself, I always pull out my cell phone to double check where I’m going, etc.
But, I always, always, have an atlas in the car.
And to be honest, I used to love looking at the map. Checking out the mile markers, exit numbers, rest areas.
Even though I get motion sickness when reading in the car, it was still a fun activity for me growing up.
I recently found an article on about the importance of children still learning to read maps.
It talked about how it helps children learn, literally, their ‘place’ in the world and helps them practice spacial skills.
So not only is this an important life skill to teach your child it is still crucial to their well-being in this world.
Tie Shoes
We actually just bought my son (he’s getting ready to go on 4) some lace up shoes.
For the life of me before, I couldn’t seem to find any for little ones.
Most of them, if you look, are Velcro.
Now, I don’t have anything wrong with Velcro and/or slip on shoes.
I have plenty and they are awesome, but tying in general is such a key skill don’t you think?
I know it may sound silly but this is a life skill I will be teaching my son.
Write in Cursive
Did you know that back, as early as 2011, schools stopped teaching cursive?
From what I’ve researched many schools have started to bring it back but whether the school my son goes to does or does not, I will be teaching it to him.
I read a story that there was a recently turned 18 year old who went to vote for the first time and was only able to print his name on his ballot rather than sign it since he was never taught cursive!
How many times during a day do you have to sign your name?
Maybe not too many but if you go out and pay with a credit card you’ll have to sign for your purchase.
If you buy a large purchase or sign up for a class, enroll your child into anything, they still require a signature.
I understand why they stopped teaching it, because we all use the computer and make purchases on the computer, you can even buy a house through the computer so in essense that will give you a digital signature but….
“Skills give you options, it opens doors of possibilities.”
― January Donovan

There are plenty of times in your life you need to physically pick up a pen a sign your name.
Not only that but there are also lots of jobs out there that require reading cursive (one was even a hot dog joint).
I don’t want my son to be at a disadvantage for a job and possibly a career just because he’s not taught cursive.
Read an Analog Clock
Here’s another crazy story I’ve heard:
Students at a school, a school!!!, were complaining that they were having a hard time reading the analog clocks on the walls which would take up valuable seconds during a test that they decided to change all their clocks to digital.
This is most definitely another life skill that my son is going to learn: How to read an analog clock.
Say Goodbye on the Phone and Hang Up
Ugh, I’m sorry, this might show my age but because we are so use to cell phones these day I find that a lot of people just don’t know how to or just don’t say goodbye on the phone, let alone hang up!
It drives me crazy!!! Lol
It’s a simple process to say thank you so much, bye and then physically hang up the phone. P.S. no, the phone doesn’t just automatically hang up when you ‘finish’ a conversation.
Needless to say, I believe, this is one of those life skills to teach your child. Without a doubt!
Use a Key
I know, I know.
This one seems silly too but, the last time you went to a hotel did you get a key or a card?
I bet it was a card.
My parents recently bought a new car and it’s one of those keyless startups.
I love them, don’t get me wrong but when the card at your hotel room doesn’t work and you have to go all the way back to the front desk to have them ‘fix’ it. That’s annoying!
I feel like this is one of those cursive things.
You won’t know that you need that skill until you need it.
Using a key is another skill I want my son to know!
The only skill my kids struggle with is the phone thing. We haven’t had a house phone in well over a decade so they just don’t get to experience it as much.
Oh, that’s a good point. Some skills we can’t practice as easily as others. Thanks so much for sharing!
Yes yes yes. Especially reading a map and writing in cursive. Oh analog clocks it still shocks me when kids don’t know this.
Right?! Thanks for sharing!!
I love each and everyone of these! I strongly agree these are so important especially cursive, common curtesy on the phone, and reading a map!
Thanks so much 🙂
Ok so confession time – I struggle reading a map. I can obviously read the keys etc but I struggle with figure out direction etc.
🙂 Thanks for the confession. 😉 Direction can definitely be tricky!!
These are all simple but useful to know in life. We lose a lot of skills to technology! I especially agree about reading a map – we can’t always rely on technology to do all of our thinking.
Exactly!!! I always say- computers are great until they don’t work. Then we all get stuck because we’re so technology dependent. Thanks so much for sharing!
so simple yet very important things to learn. In today’s world we should be well prepared.
I agree completely. Thanks so much!