Are you looking for some giving plate ideas?
This post, 10 Beautiful Giving Plate Ideas That Will Be Appreciated, was originally published in June 2020 and has been completely updated.
Have you ever heard of a giving plate?
It’s a beautiful serving platter, with or without a saying.
We received one a few years ago with this saying…
This plate has no owner for its journey never ends. Its purpose is a special one for the love and joy it sends. The food upon this plate was made with tenderness and care. it passes love from home to home for everyone to share. Friends and family gather ’round’ with gratitude and laughter. Remembering each special moment for now and ever after. After enjoying what is on the plate, please refill it once again. Then send it on, with the love it holds, to your family and your friends.
The purpose is not only to surprise your recipient but, as it says, then to share it with someone else.
We have yet to have the opportunity to give it away- we have lately been the ones hosting parties rather than attending ones.

Here are some other beautiful options to fit any personality!
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Giving Plate Ideas
So, you might be thinking this is just something for families or really close friends.
First, let me let you know that we received ours from a neighbor who we really didn’t know.
Second, it’s a great way to grow a friendship.
Third, why not make a host/hostesses day with one of these beautiful giving plates.
Fourth, there really is one for everyone.
Check them out!
For the traditional family or crowd, you can’t go wrong with this beauty.
Nature Inspired
This nature-inspired giving plate idea is perfect for your nature lovers.
This community-style plate will be ideal for a get-together with neighbors or maybe a large group you’re a member of.
Share the love. Pass on the plate!

This giving plate idea is perfect to pass among families and/or those you consider family.
For a specific fall/autumn/Thanksgiving theme this plate is perfect.
Related Post: Thanksgiving Traditions
You have to check this one out for a more winter/Christmas time plate.
Flower Lover
If are you part of a group that loves flowers then this giving plate idea is for you!
Simple and Straight forward
If you like simpler then you’ll love this one.
If you’d rather have a more faith-orientated plate…
Do you love your Harley?
Are you part of a group of Harley lovers?
Check out this awesome giving plate idea.