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Ever looked on Pinterest and seen those lists of winter activities?
Have you seen the ones that have almost a hundred things on them?
I don’t know about you but I feel stressed looking at those lists lol. Stressed and overwhelmed!!
Now granted, they are an awesome resource….
But I’ve decided to pare it down for you and your family.
How about one activity to try each week of winter. Not only that but they are indoor ideas to help keep everyone toasty warm
Now, I know what some of you may be saying: a lot of these could actually be done together in just one day.
Agreed, but why not space them out or enjoy them multiple times throughout winter
I’ve also included a cute check list to help remind you of the fun coming up!!!
So let’s go:
Hot chocolate
Who doesn’t love a wonderfully warm hot chocolate to sip on during the winter? And if you don’t like chocolate, well we can’t be friends anymore ;), you can always have your favorite winter beverage.
Sitting in front of a fireplace
But you don’t have a fireplace?
Don’t fret!!! Get online or on your tv and look up fireplace.
No, it’s not the same but in a pinch it’ll do wonders. I know, because I’ve used it!
Plus, it’s safer if you have little ones
Make s’mores
So I hear you asking, how do I make s’mores if I don’t have a fireplace? And without going outside?
Well, if you have a microwave or oven you can improvise
Simply put a marshmallow on a graham cracker and put it in the microwave or oven.
Let it warm up to your specifications then take it out, put a piece of yummy chocolate on top along with another graham cracker and enjoy
Watching the snow fall
Don’t live somewhere there’s snow?
Same as above!!! Go online or on your tv. You’ll be staring at falling snow in no time
There’s something calming about watching snow fall!
Or, if you don’t want to go through that trouble, why not try this next activity.
Making a snowflake
Now, I’m not going to tell you how to make snow with ingredients you have around the house!
I’m talking about the old fashion snowflake using some paper and scissors!!!
(I was going to share some instructions for you but when I looked them up they were too ‘complicated’ for me :))
With that being said, get a sheet of paper and fold one edge down to the opposite side to make a triangle (it will be a square when you open it back up), then cut off the extra paper.
Fold the triangle one more time, if not two more times depending on who’s making the snowflake.
I made snowflakes with my son when he was only two, using only the first fold to make the square and the second fold. This made it easier for him to use his safety scissors to cut.
Next, either draw shapes on the corners and edges of the folded triangle or simply start cutting out shapes.
For my son, I did simple shapes like squares and circles.
I wouldn’t go too crazy for the first time with the cutting, just so you can see how it turns out.
Now you’ve got your basic template for your next batch, enjoy :)!!!
Decorating for the holidays
Whether you celebrate the holidays or not try and do some decorating. There’s plenty of options out there that are not religious based so have fun!!
Spending time with family
It’s so open-ended! You have so many options, which can make it hard to find a starting point, right?
Well, why not just start with this list Pick one of these and enjoy it as a family (bonus if you can add in extended family!)
Otherwise, how about finding a great movie everyone enjoys. Does the family have a tv series you could do some catching up on? How about reading a book as a family?
Ah, I am a self-declared foodie! And so winter, with all its holidays and ‘excuses’ to eat, is a dangerous time for me, but wonderful too
Enjoy this time of good food with your friends and families!
I always feel like winter is a great time to bake.
I don’t know if it’s simply because it’s cold and so making something that’s warm is comforting or what but why not bake something this winter.
Don’t know how or like to bake?
I understand, I do, but I’ll let you in on a little secret.
It doesn’t have to be difficult and it’s so much fun for everyone to pitch in.
My go-to? Chocolate chip cookies!!!
I get a bag of Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chips and (here’s the secret ) follow the recipe on the back!
No, seriously!!! I always get huge compliments when I make these and all I do is follow the instructions!!!!!
But you don’t eat sweets or like them?
Then find a dessert recipe you do like! There are lots of healthy alternatives to the sugar overload of most desserts!!!
Cookie swaps
And, in case you did make cookies or other baked treats but you don’t want/need to keep them at the house?
Do or participate in a cookie swap! And then take the extras to neighbors, family members or work!
Looking at holiday lights
O.k., so I know, you technically have to be outside for this one but once the car warms up it’s kinda like being inside And I don’t know about you but I love driving around and looking at all the lights people have put up!
Playing a game
Grab your favorite board game or use wintertime as an excuse to buy a new one
And if video games are more your style then go for it (but the idea is to do it together as a family or group of friends – not by yourself :))
Now, my dad is not someone who typically likes to play board games. But since my little guy is getting older and we live with my parents, we have started playing more games. I think he enjoys it even if he doesn’t admit to it!
So find some games and get ready for some family fun time!
These are great ideas to keep us from going stir crazy this winter, thanks!!
I hope they do help!
Great ideas, I love to cook it would be great to cook as a family..
Yes! I’m trying to do this more with my little guy! Thanks.
These are all awesome Cassie! I love watching the snow fall with my hubby. And even bundling up and going for a walk in the snow storm! I think making snowflakes to add to our tree this year will be so fun. I appreciate the ideas!
You’re so welcome
Enjoy your walks but be safe!!!! 
Winter is so long. I love this list it has some great ideas to mix it up!
Yea! I hope you get to enjoy some of them