My Fasting For Weight Loss Journey Continues

My Fasting For Weight Loss Journey Continues

My second month of fasting for weight loss was definitely harder than my first month.

Two pictures of food and one picture of a scale and measuring tape and one showing a slim lady with text overlay – Fasting for weight loss. My second, third, and, fourth month journey.
Two pictures of food and one picture of a scale and measuring tape with text overlay – My fasting for weight loss journey.
A plate of food and a picture of a woman whose lost weight with text overlay – Fasting for weight loss.
A plate of food with text overlay – Weight loss and intermittent fasting. Check out my experience and results from intermittent fasting for four months!

Mostly because I was so much hungrier.

Now, I did keep to my one day a week to splurge but it was much more of a challenge!!!

The only thing that was different this month was how I worked out.

I had found a free 28-day Les Mills workout that involved martial arts type exercises and I thought what the heck.

For the record. it was only 14 workouts. The 1st 2 weeks you did four each week- Monday, Tuesday, rest Wednesday, and then Thursday and Friday.

The second 2 weeks was only 3 workouts about 30-45 minutes each, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

In between I was doing other dance workouts with my mom but still taking at least 2-3 days off to rest.

Please note – I am not a doctor and am only sharing my experience and my situation.

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Fasting for Weight Loss

Second Month Results

Let’s talk about results.

I know my first month I shared with you how excited I was that I had lost 9 lbs.

I was really hopeful that my 2nd month I’d lose 10-12 because it was a full month (my 1st month was only 3 weeks).

Well, that didn’t happen!

I know I’m farther along into me ‘new’ lifestyle so even with my splurge day my body is adjusting to it but I also had a new workout program.

With that said, I did still lose….6 lbs.

Which is awesome.

But what made the 6 lbs even more o.k. was the fact that I lost 4 inches total in my chest, stomach, and hips!

Talk about feeling great!

My clothes are so much looser which helps me see my progress even if I can’t ‘see’ it in the mirror.

Check out my 1st month of fasting for weight loss for more helpful tips.

My Third Month + Results

My third Month.

This month seemed to be even harder!

Is that even possible?

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There was a holiday this month and all I wanted to do was keep eating .

Ever feel like that?

I did get back on track the next day.

I did a 40-minute Cize workout, ate healthy with my carbs, and drank plenty of water.

The whole month was hard and although I stayed within my carbs and still exercised 4-6 times I ate just a little worse.

I learned that I could have chips at lunch and/or bread/biscuits at dinner and still be within my carbs.

Needless to say, I lost even less this month which, again, was a little disappointing but…

I did manage to lose 5.5 lbs and 3 inches from my body.

Related: Intermittent Fasting

What was even more frustrating?

This month was 5 weeks.

I was hoping for a little more success.

So, I was a bit frustrated but I’m trying to stay positive.

I know that I am eating healthy and exercising.

That’s doing my body good and that’s why I’m doing this!

My Fourth Month

I decided to refocus myself in my fourth month to more vegetable carbs and fewer chips/bread/biscuits carbs.

But I also increased my hiit workouts and included weights.

Why weights?

Remember muscle burns more fat while at rest!

And the how do you gain muscle?

By lifting weights!

I’m still doing intermittent fasting and crossing my finger.

We just celebrated another holiday and I used it as my splurge day.

Really, the worse things I had was processed mashed potatoes and cupcakes w/ lots of frosting 🙂

You can lose weight and have your cake too!

Tweet this!

Started fresh the next day so I felt great.

I did get a really annoying headache later that day so I’m not sure if it’s sugar related or not, I guess I’ll see over the next few weeks.

This month of fasting for weight loss, I’m doing 20-minute hiit workouts 3 days a week a day apart.

On the other 3 days I’m doing the dance workouts ( mom is working out too and that’s what she enjoys – it’s nice to do workouts together:)

My birthday was this month too but I’ve told myself and promised myself I would intermittent fast no matter what.

I planned my birthday to be my splurge day for the week but besides the dessert, I really wanted to have the will to mostly eat healthily.

And I did.

We had steak, and while the rest of the family had mashed potatoes I had riced cauliflower.

It’s been a good lesson for me to learn that I can still eat healthy while enjoying what I’m eating too!

Thankfully the rest of the month was ‘normal’, so I was very curious to see what my results would end up being fasting for weight loss.

My fasting for weight loss results

I am ecstatic to share with you that I lost eight pounds and five inches overall.

All the hard work paid off….and I was still able to eat my cake 🙂

Have you tried fasting for weight loss? Would you like to eat your cake and still lose weight? Please share it with us in the comments below. Thanks!