Looking for some fun family roadtrip games?
Have someone in your family who’s a non-reader or gets motion sick?
Do you fear going on a family roadtrip with your little one(s)?
Is one of the reasons because your little one(s) still need more attention than older children who can read?
Or, do you have a child who has motion sickness and so couldn’t read even if they wanted to?
I personally have motion sickness, especially when in a car.
My brother and dad, on the other hand, could read during an entire eight-hour car ride with no problem.
I did a lot of sleeping and looking out the window!
So since I’m almost always sitting in the backseat with my son, when we’re on a family roadtrip, we’ve had to come up with other options than reading.
Below are just a few options that will hopefully help you and your family too!
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Family Roadtrip Games
If you’ve read my post – Traveling with a Toddler, you know one of our first games was counting semi-trucks.
My son, then, was still facing backwards in his car seat.
Trucks were one of the easy things we knew he could see without straining.
Now that he’s facing forwards it’s even easier!
Trucks are an easy way to practice colors too.
We would normally go through the rainbow colors.
Starting with red and going to violet.
Practicing and repeating Roy G Biv.
Related Post: Cruising with a toddler.
Another great family roadtrip game is practicing letter recognition.
And yup, trucks are yet another great one for this.
Partially because the letters are pretty big comparably.
Otherwise we’d try to ask for the first letter on a sign.
This is obviously a bit harder depending on how fast you’re driving and how big the sign is but it can work.
Additional Family Roadtrip Games
Twenty Questions
This by far is my son’s current favorite game.
We actually play it at every meal so it’s certainly not a game you can only play in the car.
We typically keep the questions to animals.
But whatever subject your child loves, and everyone who’s playing has decent knowledge on the subject can be fair game.
For instance, our other first option is superheroes, centered around the Justice League or The Avengers.
Most everyone knows what colors the well-known superheroes wear and what they can do, right?
Spiderman wears red and can swing through the air.
Keep it simply.
Virtual Hide and Seek
This is one of my favorites
Yes, you can play hide and seek even in the car!
One person chooses a place in their house where they will ‘hide’.
The seeker then has to keep asking questions until they can ‘find’ the hider.
Trust me, it is still as much fun to play as the physical version.