This post, Comfort, was originally published in 2018 and has been completely updated in February 2024.
What do you think when you read the word comfort?
Oversized sweater
Mac ‘n’ cheese
Tea/Hot chocolate
Being with friends/family/loved ones
The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.
∼Maya Angelou
Teddy bears
Do they bring thoughts of comfort?
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Would any of these be on your list?
Lol, ok, so maybe that’s just some of my list 🙂
What would you add?
It’s different for everyone but we all want things in our lives that are comfortable, right?
Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book.
∼Bill Watterson
But let’s look at how we treat people.
And how we like to be or to give comfort.
This is different for everyone too, right?
I consider myself a touchy-feely type of person.
But typically, when it comes to being comforted, I want people to leave me alone.
I’m the person who if I’m on the verge of crying and you try to hug me or hold me I’ll cry even harder.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with that, and I know that it’s just me.
Wish you knew how to comfort someone?
So, figuring out how to comfort someone can be trial and error.
And we’re not even talking about feeling capable of it, huh?
I think even if you are a parent it can take time to figure out how best to help your child.
Comforting Options:
Physical Contact
Hugging, holding, or simply putting your hand on their shoulder.
Giving Them Space
Leaving them to themselves but letting them know you’re there for them if they need it.

Giving Them Space But
Leaving them alone but staying near them so when they are ready to talk or be held they know you are available.
Talking with them and giving them positive encouragement.
There’s no way for them to take away my sadness, but they can make sure I am not empty of all the other feelings.
∼David Levithan
Give them a pillow to pound on.
When I was graduating from high school, a million years ago, one of my friends gave me a Superman Bop Bag.
It’s definitely a great safe option to give someone if they need it.
We have it out for whenever my little guy needs to use it.
Sometimes all we need is something to distract us for us to move forward.
Additional Things To Remember When Comforting
Giving advice
At the moment, as good-natured as it may be, giving advice may not be the best thing!
We’re all different
Everyone deals with things differently.
Not everyone cries or needs a hug to be comforted.
Every situation is different
Just like every person is different, every situation is different too.
One way might not always work.
Comfort Items
Now, just in case giving a person something seems more appropriate, check out these great items.
∼First, why not share with them a great (free) Gratitude Journal? It’s such a wonderful way to refocus and help remind yourself of all the good in your life!
∼A heated throw, perfect for those times you really just need to snuggle up with a comfy blanket and watch a movie and eat a whole pizza or pint of ice cream. (Or maybe that’s just me ;))
∼Comfy ‘house’ slippers that not only will keep your feet comfortable but will keep them supported too!
∼Jogger Pants. What better way to snuggle up under that blanket than with some super comfy pants? Oh, did you know they are also super fashionable just in case you have to go somewhere?
∼Candles. They always say comfort and relaxation to me!
I am definitely the touchy-feely person. If I know you well, I want to hug you because that’s what I’d want. However, if I don’t know you that well I have a hard time being more affectionate.
Ah, I’m glad you’ve mentioned this! I’m the same in terms of if I know someone, if I know them I want to hug them…. but I also still want to hug the person I don’t know lol 🙂
Making other around you comfortable is an amazing trait to have. But making yourself comfy? That is a necessity!
Agreed completely!!! Thanks 🙂
Now I want to have a cozy day at home!
🙂 Makes me smile! Yes!!!! Hope you got to at least a little.
It’s true, it really varies from person to person. There are some things, like the ones you mentioned (tea, being with people you love, etc) that are common comfort things, but not everyone has the same things on their list.
So true! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Comfort makes think of a warm bed with tea and a book. If I am feeling low and somebody wants to comfort me, it depends who is it?
Ah, good point!!! We may not want a stranger to give us a hug but a parent, friend or loved one would be wonderful. Thanks!!!
This post makes me want to go home and be super comfy!
🙂 Hope you’ve gotten a chance to do that a least a little today!!!! Enjoy. Thanks!!
These are great ideas to comfort someone. Sometimes just having someone there to listen and to give a hug is all that matters. But you need to give people space sometimes too.
So, so true!Thanks!
I totally agree about not wanting someone to hug you when you’re about to lose it and need to hold it together!
🙂 ah, nice to know I’m not the only one!!! 🙂 Thanks!
Nice article. Nice reminder that we all grieve differently and need to be comforted in different ways.
So true! Thank you so much!
So, all of those just made me wish fall would hurry up and get here lol. I am a touchy feels kinda gal as well, but I love having friends/family around. Just hanging out with them is comforting to me.
Yes, I agree with everything!!! I love fall and being with family is the best. Thank you so much for sharing!