This post, 12 Christmas Traditions That Are Simple And Easy, was originally published in 2018 and is being completely updated.
I have always loved Christmas!
I love the lights, the decorations, the meaning!
When I was growing up we had a few traditions but as I’ve gotten older I’ve added some new ones.
And now that my little guy has come along, I’ve added even more. 🙂
Now, this isn’t an extensive list by any means, nor a final one 🙂 but for us, it’s where we’ve started and I’m excited to share these with you.
I hope it gives you some inspiration!
So, let’s get started with the ones that can be made with just a few items:
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Making Snowflakes
This is so simple and fun!
I’m talking about the old fashion snowflake, using some paper and scissors!!!
(I was going to share a link of some instructions for you but when I looked them up they were too ‘complicated’ for me :))
With that being said, get a sheet of paper and fold one edge down to the opposite side to make a triangle.
It will be a square when you open it back up, then cut off the extra paper.
Fold the triangle one more time, if not two more times depending on who’s making the snowflake.
I made snowflakes with my son when he was only two, using only the first fold to make the square and the second fold. This made it easier for him to use his safety scissors to cut. His snowflakes were very unique and beautiful (if I may say so myself :))

Next, either draw shapes on the corners and edges of the folded triangle or simply start cutting out shapes.
For my son, I did simple shapes like squares and circles.
I wouldn’t go too crazy the first time with the cutting, just enough so you can see how it turns out.
Now you’ve got your basic template for your next batch, enjoy :)!!!
Paper Chain Garland
Do you remember making these in grade school?
All you need is some construction paper, or how about drawing on some plain white paper to make really unique chains!
Cut strips about an inch thick. Glue or staple the ends together, making sure you loop the next one through the previous one before you connect the ends 🙂
Popcorn Garland
So, I guess if you don’t like popcorn this wouldn’t be on your list but we love popcorn so this has been quickly added to our list 🙂
Pop some popcorn (however you’d like, air, microwave, stovetop, campfire :)) and then with a blunt needle, thread the popcorn to your desired length.
It’s never too late to start new Christmas Traditions!
Now on to the rest:
Advent Calendar
So, I have a confession to make. As much as this one is for my little guy to open up and enjoy the chocolates, mom loves to open it just as much!
There are many different options out there.
Some have chocolate (our favorite!), candies, sayings/snippets of the Christmas story or some combination of the two.
Depending on the kind you’d like, you may have to do some searching but they’re out there!
Nativity Scene
This one has been a fun one for us!
Not only is it great for explaining Christmas but it’s so much fun for my son to play with.
We got the Little Peoples A Christmas Story playset and my little guy loves it.
He was playing with it way after Christmas that I’m not sure we’ll find all the pieces :\
Decorate a Tree
I’ve somehow become the official Christmas tree decorator and I love it!!!
Now I still defer to my mom but ultimately I’m the one decorating. And you know who always wants to help?
Yup, that would be my little one.
He’s responsible for the lower part of the tree and the soft ornaments 🙂
Speaking of decorating the tree, why not add an awesome train set to the bottom!
We had one when I was younger and I remember loving it!
We finally got one last year and but it wasn’t the same 🙁
It was great when it worked but it kept coming off the tracks or the cars would keep separating from each other.
It was disappointing, to say the least.
Ours growing up was sturdy metal constructed and the only ones we could find were plastic.
We will definitely be looking to upgrade this set to a better one because it really does add to the decor 🙂
Year Specific/Child Specific ornaments
This is another one that we had as I was growing up.
For at least for a few years, this was a tradition of my grandmother’s.
We always got a beautiful metal ornament with our name and the year stamped on it.
When we were getting ready to celebrate my little guy’s first Christmas I received a ‘free’ ornament from Shutterfly!!!
I jumped at the chance realizing that I’d like to have that tradition with him.
I love it and they have easily become some of my favorite ornaments to hang up.
Cookies and Carrots
Yup, you heard that right, carrots 🙂
Do you make sure you have a snack for the reindeer too on Christmas Eve?
We never did but one of our Christmas books shows carrots being left out alongside the cookies and that was all it took lol 🙂
We love the idea so much that we’ve added it to the list!
So, of course, we have to bake our special chocolate chip cookies for Santa himself, but now his reindeer will get snacks too.
Wrapping Paper
This is one of my favorite Christmas traditions!
I was the kid who was always checking the presents under the tree to see who ‘got’ what and how many everyone had.
With this, it makes that a little bit more difficult 🙂
The idea is that each person has their own wrapping paper.
But you don’t find out which presents are yours until you’ve taken everything out of your stocking and found your piece of wrapping paper!
Looking at Lights
We only did this a few times when I was growing up but now, especially since my little guy can see out the car windows, I make it a point to go out and drive around finding neighborhoods with lights.
We’ve even been able to find a neighborhood that has coordinated lights between a few homes and includes music!
Sharing Tree
This is one that I love doing so much as I grew up and even tried to keep doing it in college and after!
Our church has one before Christmas but I know sometimes stores, malls, community centers will having them so that the community can help those in need too.
The idea:
The tree will have ‘ornaments’ that specify different needs.
For example: ‘Long sleeve shirt for 10-year-old boy’ or ‘baby clothes’, etc.
You pick whichever one(s) you’d like, get the items and then drop them back off at the tree.
The church/organization does the rest and distributes them.
A great way to learn about giving especially during a season of wanting!
And there you have it!
Your newest additions to your Christmas traditions 🙂