Accept – Thought for the Every Day

Accept – Thought for the Every Day

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The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. -Captain Jack Sparrow. Acceptance-Something we all want but aren't always good at giving! Are you good at accepting yourself? How about acceptance of others. FREE printable. Accept - Thought for the Every Day. #inspiration #thoughtfortheday #acceptance #quote
See yourself as you really are. Accept the good and the bad. Only then can you truly share yourself with another. -Velyn Cooper. Acceptance-Something we all want but aren't always good at giving! Are you good at accepting yourself? How about acceptance of others. FREE printable. Accept - Thought for the Every Day. #inspiration #thoughtfortheday #acceptance #quote
Acceptance-Something we all want but aren't always good at giving! Are you good at accepting yourself? How about acceptance of others. FREE printable. Accept - Inspiration for the Every Day. #inspiration #thoughtfortheday #acceptance
Acceptance-Something we all want but aren't always good at giving! Are you good at accepting yourself? How about acceptance of others. FREE printable. Accept - Thought for the Every Day. #inspiration #thoughtfortheday #acceptance
Acceptance-Something we all want but aren't always good at giving! Are you good at accepting yourself? How about acceptance of others. FREE printable. Accept - Thought for the Every Day. #inspiration #thoughtfortheday #acceptance

Accept – Thought for the Every Day

Do you accept things as they come or do you fight them?

Do you accept others as they are or do you want to change them?


∼Consent to receive
∼Believe or come to recognize as valid or correct.

Sometimes you have to accept things as they are, correct?

Because sometimes there is nothing your can do to change a situation.

There are always seasons in our lives.

Not only the literal seasons of fall, winter, but also childhood, high school, adulthood.

These things we can’t change, right?

And if you can’t change them, then that’s where changing your mindset is your golden ticket.

I know, I know, you’re right, it’s not easy to do!

And it may not be immediate either but ultimately it will do wonders for you!

Here’s a very simply example –

Someone makes you mad at work, home, grocery store, while driving. And in this situation, there is nothing you can do to change anything.

So, you can stay mad and let it ruin the rest of your day and very, very possible ruin the day of everyone around you.

Think about that just for a moment – the way we allow others to affect us will more than likely affect others around us!

But even though you may have to accept the situation – that it happened – you have every ability to determine your mentality.

“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem”
∼Captain Jack Sparrow

Yet if there is something you can do you should do it. Even if it’s just one step of the process, then you will ultimately be changing your situation.


Do you always hope that you’re accepted when you go somewhere or do something new?

I recently read an article about a mother that tried to make friends with some other parents at an event and they just weren’t having it.

She tried one more time and still, the same reaction.

She realized that this was a good reminder to herself.

A reminder that whenever she is on the other side of the situation to be more accepting!

It’s interesting, right?

We’d all like to think this wouldn’t happen but it does.

Acceptance-Something we all want but aren’t always good at giving!

Tweet this!

And if it was you, how would you feel?

Would you react back to them? Maybe be sassy, say something disrespectful or passive aggressive?

It would be so easy to do, especially in the exact moment.

But if you’re a parent, and your child is with you, is that how you want to be a role model for your child?

How about this side of things:

Do you accept yourself?

How you look, what size you are, where you live?

Can you change any of those things?

My first thought is :

See yourself as you really are. Accept the good and the bad.
Only then can you truly share yourself with another.
∼Velyn Cooper

We are all different in own beautifully different ways.

It’s what makes the world great.

I challenge you, as you go through your days, weeks, months to be more accepting of yourself, those in your immediate circle and those you may just meet in random circumstances.

I’ll leave you with this:

Recently, I got the pleasure of seeing Cars 2. Have you seen it? See it!!!

How well do you accept people or things as they come? Please share with us in the comments so we can all learn. Thanks!

Grab your free printable with code ‘Freeprints’!

Grab your FREE printable of Accept. Acceptance-Something we all want but aren't always good at giving! Are you good at accepting yourself? How about acceptance of others. FREE printable. Accept - Thought for the Every Day. #inspiration #thoughtfortheday #acceptance

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12 thoughts on “Accept – Thought for the Every Day

  1. Really needed to hear this at the moment. Changing our own mindset and the way we tackle our problems is the key to staying happy! Easier said then done but these reminders help to keep us on track.

  2. For me it really depends on what the problem is, but I am bad at just accepting it sometimes. I really needed to hear this and remind myself.

  3. Great read and good for reflection! Thank you!

  4. Very thought-provoking! Thanks for the great questions to reflect on!

  5. Great read! Someone made me mad yesterday and you are so right, it didn’t make me feel any better to stay mad for as long as I did!

  6. Very inspirational. Thank you for sharing. Handling emotions can be difficult.

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